Users: the rozi experience
Good day to you!
Today, you will experience what it takes to be the bass player for the Users. You will step into the role of Rozi and make your way through the initiation program.
The program, known as the UHP (Users Hazing Program), is a complex trial-and-error maze designed to intimidate and instill a sense of dread and regret. But rejoice, for you are not alone. Accompanying you is your bloodthirsty, megalomaniac mentor, Žan.
Survive this, and you will understand what it takes to be one of the few.
Ongoing Competition
If you finish the game, take a screenshot at the credits. Send the screenshot to our email: ,and compete for your very own Users shirt!
The controls
W, A, S, D : Movement Controls
V : Restart (You will irreversibly mess up, eventually, so get used to this button)
ESC : Escape : end the game
LMB: Left mouse button : Throw Molotov
MMB: Middle mouse button : Dash
RMB: Right mouse button : Throw 100% gluten
Thank you for understanding
When you run the game, and throw a Molotov the game will freeze, you might have to refresh the browser. The problem is a bottleneck for compilation of objects that emit a particle effect. But once the compilation is finished it will run smoothly.
Im still searching for a solution.
Special thanks to
Users for the creative license
Žan Naglič: Creative input , voice lines, guitar solos, and game testing.
Gregor Rozman: Creative input and voice lines.
Matjaž Naglič: Background cover music for every level.
Jošt Skale: Voice lines.
Anja Podgornik: Creative input.
Tips and tricks
*This game is made to be frustrating and often unfair horror experience. Yourpatience, navigation and problem solving skills are essential.
*Sometimes its better to keep Žan close to you, he is more predictable that way. As long as you are moving and your back is facing Žan, he cannot hurt you.
*Guide Žan over his guitar. Žan will stop to practice for the next concert.
Main menu them
Users - Poppy's milk (demo)